Rule 756(e) Amendments
New Rule1.15(i)
IL SC- E Filing Notice
LTF's Guide to E Filing
Pro Bono Service
Illinois ARDC Statement on Racism
The ARDC�s Chicago and Springfield offices are currently closed to the public due to the coronavirus pandemic. Essential visitors will only be admitted by appointment. At this time, we can best assist you via telephone or email.
The general number for our Chicago office is (312) 565-2600. The general number for our Springfield office is (217) 546-3523.
General inquiries and ethics inquiries may be made by email to
Lawyer registration inquiries may be made by email to
To submit a Request for Investigation or a Client Protection claim, click the link below to access
the desired form, and complete and email the document to
On June 10, 2023, the Chair of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission entered an order superseding previous orders
continuing certain disciplinary proceedings due to the coronavirus emergency. Pursuant to the June 10, 2023 superseding order, all disciplinary proceedings,
including contested hearings, are to be scheduled and heard promptly and conducted remotely whenever possible and practicable.
A separate order, also entered on June 10, 2023, provides that the Chair or Vice-Chair of the full Hearing Board shall hear any motion objecting to
proceeding with a hearing remotely.
Our Ethical Obligations During The Coronavirus Shutdown
About the ARDC
The Supreme Court established the ARDC as administrative agency, effective February 1, 1973, and charged the agency with
assisting the Court in the regulation of the legal profession in Illinois. In November 2017, upon recommendation of the ARDC,
the Court adopted Regulatory Objectives for the Provision of Legal Services. The Court�s objectives include protection
of the public, advancement of the rule of law, access to justice and ethical delivery of legal services.
For more information of those objectives, click here.
The mission of the ARDC is to promote and protect the integrity of the legal profession, at the
direction of the Supreme Court, through attorney registration, education, investigation,
prosecution and remedial action. For more information on the ARDC Mission, click here.
Click ios翻外墙用什么 to contact the ARDC.
Click here to search for lawyers not currently authorized to practice due to recent status changes.
Click here to access the ARDC�s Intermediary Connecting Services Proposal.
Click here to access the Companion Materials for the Intermediary Connecting
Services Proposal.
We are pleased to announce the Clerk�s Office of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission will begin accepting documents for filing before the Hearing Board and Review Board utilizing the new ARDC e-filing system � eFileIL supported by Tyler Technologies
. E-filing documents before the Hearing Board and Review Board will take effect January 1, 2023, and is mandatory.
here to review new Commission Rule 213 � Electronic Filing.
here to review ARDC Electronic Filing Manual.
Effective January 1, 2023, all hearings will be video and audio recorded. The recordings are made for the purposes of security, training and monitoring of the hearings to ensure that all proceedings are conducted safely and in accordance with the Commission�s standards and policies. These recordings will not take the place of the current court reporter procedures, and are intended for internal use only, are not discoverable, and will not be made available to the parties or the public. The equipment will be turned on only when the Hearing Board Panel is in the room. It is set up to capture the podium, bench and witness stand, and is not aimed at counsel tables. The audio recording is done through the current microphone system, so discussions outside the range of the microphones will not be detectable.
The ARDC is committed to a culture of diversity and inclusion. Click here for more information.
Click 苹果手机用的梯子 to contact the ARDC.
By accessing this site you acknowledge and agree to all of the terms and
conditions set forth in the
Legal Notices, User Agreement, and Disclaimers.
access to registration and discipline information regarding Illinois lawyers
presented by the Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission.
苹果的梯子 | Lawyer Registration
| How to Submit a Request For Investigation
Rules and Decisions | Ethics
Inquiry Program | Publications
New Filings, Hearing Schedules and Clerk's
| Client Protection Program
Resources & Links | ARDC
Organizational Information
Website Information | Search Site |